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What are the reasons for revocation of business license?

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Revocation of the business license is one of the events that can endanger the business situation. The business license can be revoked by the person or the trade union for several reasons. Definitely the cancellation of the business license for those who are not aware of its cause; It can be a little unsettling.

Knowing the reasons for the cancellation of a business license can help license owners to get to know the reasons for the cancellation of their business license and take action to fix it. In this article, we provide a complete description of the procedures for revoking a business license and revocation of a license by legal advisors and qualified lawyers.

What is a business license?

Operating in any business requires a business license. All those who intend to start an activity such as selling women’s clothes, repairing cars in repair shops, etc.; In order to carry out their activities, they must receive a business license form from the trade union. The acquisition license allows the applicant to carry out a specific activity in accordance with Iran’s guild laws.

If a person has not applied for a business license despite starting a profession and activity; It means that he started his work illegally. If a person continues to operate illegally and without a business license, their place of business may be sealed by the trade union and law enforcement officers, and their permission to continue operating may be revoked.

Procedures for obtaining a business license

Before you want to get acquainted with the reasons for the cancellation of the business license and the conditions for the cancellation of the business license; First, it is better to get information about the procedures for obtaining a license. To get a business license in the field of your desired profession, you must first apply for a business license by visiting Cafenet. After receiving the letter or request for a permit, you must go to the trade union to submit the documents.

In the trade union, the applicant must pay a fee for registration and finally a fee for the exam and other steps to obtain a business license. After registering the submitted documents, an agent from the trade union will be sent to your workplace and will check the workplace situation. If there is no specific problem in the workplace and the documents of business license applicants, an exam or questionnaire will be taken from all applicants and if they get a good score, a business license will be issued to you.

Conditions and documents required for obtaining a license

Among the conditions and documents required to submit a business license from the trade union are:

– Having Iranian citizenship
– Providing an official document or lease and exact address
– Certificate of termination of service
– Having literacy in reading and writing
– Commercial certificate of the place of business
– Documents and certificates of competence for technical matters
– 6 photos
– Birth certificate and national card along with copies of pages

Reasons for revocation of business license

Revocation of the business license makes the trade union member unable to continue working. Of course, some people may continue to operate illegally after their license is revoked. There are several reasons that cause the business license to be revoked.

These reasons may be due to violations, death or from the corporate person himself. The reasons for revoking the business license include:

1- If a person is active in a field; But if he wants to change his field of activity, his business license will be invalidated if he changes his profession. Sometimes, a seal order is issued for trade units whose field of activity is different from the business license.
2-If a person does not pay his membership fee to join the trade union; The business license is revoked.
3-If a business owner does not comply with the rules and orders set by the trade union, his business license will be revoked.
4-Any business person who has not been active in his field of work for more than 180 days will have his business license revoked.
5-In some cases, the revocation of the trade license is invalidated due to a change in location.
6-If the validity of the business license has expired and the trade person has not applied for its extension; His business license will be revoked.
7-Two years after the death of a corporate person, his business license will be revoked.
8-According to the written request of the licensee, it will be possible to cancel the business license.

Documents and procedures for revocation of business license

If a person intends to revoke his business license; First, he must present the necessary documents for this work. The first important document that a business person must provide to revoke a license; The arrangement is in writing. In this letter, the licensee must write his request for the cancellation of the business license and explain the reason for the cancellation of the business license.

The second document required for license cancellation is receipts that show that all necessary payments for license cancellation have been made. In addition to the two mentioned documents, the original business license document must be delivered to the relevant trade unions to cancel the business license. In the trade union, after reviewing the relevant documents, the license is revoked through legal processes.

How to get a license or permit again after cancellation?

How to get a permit again after cancellation? The concern of most trade unionists is that after the business license is revoked, they can get legal permission to start work again from the trade unions. If the business license is revoked by a business person due to the termination of activity or change of job; He should refer to trade unions to register and re-apply for business license according to his new job status.

If the business license is revoked by the trade union; The owner of the license can apply to the Iranian guilds system to get the business license again. If the business license is invalidated due to certain crimes, the trade person can take action to resolve it by referring to the relevant trade union.

What center can be referred to to protest the cancellation of the business license?

According to the above explanations, we know that sometimes disobeying the trade union rules may cause the trade union to act to invalidate the license according to the justification plan. Fortunately, it is possible for the license holder to appeal the cancellation of the business license. In order to object to the annulment of the business license, a business person must file a petition to cancel the license revocation order. The procedures for protesting the invalidation of a business license by trade unions are:

1- In the first step, the owner of the business license must deliver his desired petition to the union related to his profession.
2- In the event that the appeal against the annulment of the business license is not accepted in the relevant union; The guild member must deliver his petition to the guild of his city.
3- Usually, after submitting the petition against the revocation of the license to the city guild, the officers active in this center will investigate it and report the result to the guild member.
4- If the trade union person still objects to the vote of the city trade union; He should refer his request to the supervision commission of the department of industry, mining and trade of the city in question.
5- Usually, after submitting the petition to the mentioned center, the request is examined in the administrative justice court and finally the result is communicated to the owner of the business license.

It should be noted that filing a petition against the revocation of a business license requires compliance with laws and standards that most trade people are not aware of; Therefore, it is suggested to take the help of lawyers and consultants in this field to present such an objection.

Is it possible to cancel the business license by the license holder?

One of the most common questions asked by legal advisors and lawyers regarding the cancellation of a business license; This is whether the owner of the business license can take action to invalidate the business license. In response to this question, we must say; Yes! The owner of the business license can cancel the license if he leaves the desired activity. Also, if a trade person wants to change his activity; He can take action to cancel the business license and obtain a new business license by referring to the trade unions and providing the required documents.


In the above article, we discussed the full explanation of the reasons for the cancellation of the business license and the conditions for its cancellation. We know that the business license may be revoked by the trade union or the owner of the business license. If the trade union has revoked the license, the owner of the license can use a lawyer to reissue the license or license.

Dadista Law Firm, as one of the largest and most reliable law firms in Iran, by hiring a lawyer from the Administrative Court of Justice and qualified and expert legal advisors, performs all the legal procedures of obtaining a business license again or protesting the cancellation of a business license professionally and in a short time. .

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What is a business license?
Operating in any business requires a business license. All those who intend to start an activity such as selling women's clothes, repairing cars in repair shops, etc.; In order to carry out their activities, they must receive a business license form from the trade union. The acquisition license allows the applicant to carry out a specific activity in accordance with Iran's guild laws.
What are the reasons for invalidation of business license?
Change in the field of activity, non-payment of union membership fee, non-compliance with rules and regulations, not operating for more than 180 days, change of location, expiration of business license, written request of the license holder, and death of a person are among the reasons for revocation of business license.
How to get a license or permit again after cancellation?
If the business license is revoked by a business person due to the termination of activity or change of job; He should refer to trade unions to register and re-apply for business license according to his new job status. If the business license is revoked due to certain crimes, a trade person can take action to resolve it by referring to the Iranian trade union system or the relevant trade union.

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