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Getting to know the Commission of Article 11 of Government Punishments

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Article 11 of punishments

One of the most important issues related to the control and direction of the distribution of health and cosmetic products in pharmacies is to pay attention to the issues of Article 11 of punishments . This commission has been approved by the Expediency Council and is of great legal importance.

The approval date of this commission goes back to 1367. The remarkable thing about this commission is that it is not limited in examining any food and health products. In other words, in addition to supervising pharmacies, the Article Eleven Government Sanctions Commission is also responsible for inspecting food factories, including edibles, beverages, etc. Stay with us in the article “Acquaintance with the Commission of Article 11 of Government Penalties” to learn more about this commission.

The main subject of the commission is the eleventh article of government punishments

As it has been said, the approval of the eleventh commission of government punishments goes back to 1367. If we want to talk about the members of this commission, we should mention the head of the medical system organization, the plenipotentiary of the Ministry of Health as the representative of the Ministry of Health, and also the head of the University of Medical Sciences of each province separately.

The mentioned items are only the basis of this commission. When necessary, other interested people can also join this group. The general duty of these people can be considered to be the prevention of crime based on Article 44.

After the occurrence of any crime has been confirmed, the case related to it must be sent to the competent authorities for a final decision and decision. In this case, we mean the competent authority, the government penal organization.

The important thing about the cases related to the Article Eleven Commission of the Government Penalty Organization is that the cases must be categorized according to the relevant branch before being sent to the competent authority. For example, the cases related to doctors or dentists will be placed in a different category than the cases related to the production and supply centers of food and health.

Article 11 of punishments

The time of establishing the meetings of the commission of the eleventh article of governmental punishments

The meetings of the Article 11 State Penalty Commission are held every two months and the submitted cases, including medical, health, and pharmaceutical violations, are reviewed and if a violation is found, they are referred to the State Penalty Department for consideration and issuance of a decision.

Matters discussed in the Article 11 Commission of Government Punishments

Although the cases related to this commission include many different issues, below we briefly state some of the issues related to the commission of Article 11 of government punishments. If any citizen is faced with such violations, he can file a complaint against the aforementioned unit for committing a crime and violation.

  • Building and operating medical centers without obtaining the necessary medical records and permits
  • Using people without a work permit in health and treatment centers
  • Failure to provide medically necessary items in the emergency department of medical centers (or failure to admit the patient to the emergency room)
  • Receiving additional amounts from the patient to provide unnecessary services
  • Obtaining amounts higher than the specified limit from the patient
  • Using mentally and physically disabled people to work in health centers
  • Providing expired drugs
  • Selling products without manufacturing license and expiration date
  • Failure to provide medicinal products to the patient by unqualified people
  • Selling any medicine without a doctor’s prescription

Other matters related to the commission

In addition to the cases that we mentioned in the previous section, the Article 11 Commission of Government Punishments also deals with a series of side cases that we will mention in the following. These are:

  • If a pharmacy sells the medicine intended by the patient at a price higher than the price mentioned on it, it has committed a crime.
  • The working hours of the pharmacy must be exactly the same as the announced hours. Of course, closing or changing the working hours of the pharmacy must be coordinated with the University of Medical Sciences.
  • Of course, the powdered milk that is distributed in pharmacies must have all the standard items and must have the license of the Ministry of Health written on it.
  • The companies that are responsible for the distribution must receive the goods subject to this law, which are produced or imported with the government currency, exclusively from authorized manufacturing or importing companies.
  • Distribution companies are obliged to provide their distribution items to authorized units or applicants according to the announced criteria.
  • Manufacturing food, beverages, etc., as well as cosmetics without obtaining a manufacturing license is also considered a crime.
  • Article 11 of punishments

final word

The remarkable thing about dealing with the violations related to the Article Eleven Government Penalties Commission is that the handling of such health violations can be done even in the public branch of the cities, considering their importance in the health of the society.

One of the most important issues discussed in the Article 11 Commission is the issue of manufacturing food, health or cosmetic products without obtaining a manufacturing license. Unfortunately, in recent years, due to the lack of supervision on the production of health and food products, this type of violation has increased greatly.

The lawyer for complaining about government punishments will expertly investigate various lawsuits and help you in handling complaints. In this regard, you can get help from the lawyers of Dadista Law Firm.

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What is the purpose of the Article 11 Government Punishment Commission?
In general, this commission refers to the government's review and control of centers that distribute food or cosmetics. This control is more on the quality and also the construction permit.
What does the commission of Article 11 of government sanctions include?
In general, the Commission of Article 11 of Government Penalties includes the right to protest against cases such as the use of people without professional qualifications in health centers, the employment of people in various health fields without any license, the sale of drugs without regard to the license and manufacturing license from the pharmacy, etc. Is.
Article 11 government punishment commission is related to what institution?
This commission was prepared by the Expediency Council. The President of the University of Medical Sciences, the President of the Medical System Organization and the representative of the Minister of Health are among the members who must take action regarding the occurrence of all the clauses mentioned in this commission.

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