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Can I Complain to the bank?

Complain to the bank

If you have encountered a legal problem with a bank or financial institutions, it is good to know the process of Complain to the bank and financial and credit institutions. Because many people, when huge organizations and institutions such as banks are on one side of the dispute, they see little chance of winning in […]

5 examples of the most important banking lawsuits

Bank claims

As an economic institution, banks are responsible for a variety of tasks, following which many legal responsibilities also arise, and as a result, banking lawsuits are a natural and common issue in the judicial system of any country. For this purpose, in this article, we have decided to review five of the most important and […]

What is the best way to deal with bank violations?

Bank violations

In today’s world, one of the crimes in the society is the economic crimes that are committed in some banks and financial institutions. Bank violations can be in direct contact with customers and individuals or without contact with them. Is it possible to sue the bank in case of monetary crimes? Are banking violations handled? […]

Who is a Banking litigation lawyer and what are his duties?

Banking litigation lawyer

In today’s world, there is hardly anyone who does not deal with banks and banking affairs. Performing various banking tasks, such as receiving facilities and how to repay them, may face problems that you need to find an expert Banking litigation lawyer to solve. Since financial and banking cases have their own complexities, not choosing […]